
Black and white game mods
Black and white game mods

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The neo-Nazi modding community may seem like a niche corner of gaming culture, easy to ignore.

#Black and white game mods mods

Instead of relying on big game developers, GuyVelella should start exploring explicitly racist fan-created mods for popular games.

black and white game mods

The response was a resounding no, but another Stormfront user, going by the Sharknado, offered a solution. "When are they going to make another game for the WHITE RACE to enjoy!!!?" they asked. In one Stormfront thread titled "Triple AAA White Power Games!! Will they ever be made?," user GuyVelella wondered if the industry would ever make a game designed to appeal to the neo-Nazi community. They complain that large developers now try to appeal to the liberal left by being " politically correct" - a gripe anyone who followed the GamerGate saga will remember well. In the gaming section of Stormfront, one of the oldest and most popular white supremacist forums, users often lament that there are no major games for white people. White supremacists don't trust game developers On popular hate forums, racists collaborate on ways to apply digital ethnic cleansing to their favorite games, rendering titles like Doom and Counter-Strike 100% white. Modding, as it's called, is a common practice in online neo-Nazi gaming communities. Additions range from weird and wacky to socially conscious. Of course, just like pretty much everything else on the internet, mods can also be twisted and perverted into something exclusionary and cruel.

#Black and white game mods cracked

'Tis the season for a special Cracked newsletter! 12 Days of Cracked-mas will run December 13-24 and is the only wtf Christmas newsletter you need.What if you could put Darth Vader in Fallout 4 or pursue a same-sex relationship in Fire Emblem Awakening? Game modifications - known as mods in the gaming community - allow players the change their favorite titles in almost any way imaginable. Related: 6 Totally Deranged Ways Fans 'Improved' Their Favorite Games Get 12 Days of Cracked-mas! If you spend your days doing cool stuff, drop us a line at iDoCoolStuff at Cracked dot com, and maybe we can share your story with the entire internet.įollow us on Facebook.

black and white game mods

Please and thank you.įor more, check out The 7 Creepiest Hacks Of Popular Video Games and 6 Insane Ways Fans Make Innocent Video Games Super Creepy.Īlso, we'd love to know more about you and your interesting lives, dear readers.

black and white game mods

Support your favorite Cracked writers with a visit to our Contribution Page. Just get a Nintendo Switch and play some non-modded games like a normal person.

#Black and white game mods series

It's just that thanks to a series of mods for Hearts Of Iron IV, their role has been upgraded from "cannon fodder" to "the goddamn protagonists." Continue Reading BelowĪdam Wears is on Twitter and Facebook, and has a newsletter about depressing history that you should definitely subscribe to. "Wait, weren't Nazis already a staple of games?" you ask. Suddenly there are Nazis on the streets, Nazis on our ballots, Nazis on our televisions, Nazis all over the internet, and Nazis in our video games. It sure seems like Nazis have had a bit of a resurgence starting around 2016, although no specific catalyst comes to mind. Related: Russia's 'GTA Gang' Was As Cartoonishly Violent As They Sound 2 You Can Now Let Modern Nazis Take Over The World In Hearts Of Iron!

#Black and white game mods download

There are tons of these available for download right now, which we guess proves one thing: While the video game industry might be going to shit, at least the Venn diagram of "people who don't keep up with games" and "people who don't know they can watch combat footage on YouTube" is happy. Other mods are simply violent on the senses, like that one that adds Stallone into the game.

black and white game mods

Bloodcurdling screams for NPCs? Here you go, you sick bastard. Disturbingly realistic gunshot wounds, cuts, and splatter? This way. Turning characters' faces into bloody pulps when you punch them? You got it.

Black and white game mods